Sunday, 10 September 2017

Package bdpv in R

This is a document work. I use this to follow the pdf document original of this package. 


Reference manual: bdpv.pdf
Package source: bdpv_1.1.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel:, r-release:, r-oldrel:
OS X El Capitan binaries: r-release: bdpv_1.1.tgz
OS X Mavericks binaries: r-oldrel: bdpv_1.1.tgz
Old sources: bdpv archive


Confidence intervals and experimental design for negative and positive predictive values in binary diagnostic tests. Computing asymptotic confidence intervals for negative and positive predictive values of binary diagnostic test assuming a case-control design. Experimental design based on asymptotic formulas and Monte Carlo simulation for hypothesis tests on predictive values, including some plot functions to explore various experimental designs.
# 1) Example data: Mercaldo et al.(2007), Table VIII:
Tab8<- span="">matrix(c(240, 178, 87, 288), ncol=2)
colnames(Tab8)<- span="">c("Case","Control")
rownames(Tab8)<- span="">c("ApoEe4plus","ApoEe4minus")
##             Case Control
## ApoEe4plus   240      87
## ApoEe4minus  178     288
# Assuming prevalence=0.03
BDtest(xmat=Tab8, pr=0.03, conf.level = 0.95)
## Confidence intervals for binary diagnostic tests.
## Input data set with columns representing the true property of the compounds and rows representing the result of a binary diagnostic test. 
##               True positive True negative
## Test positive           240            87
## Test negative           178           288
## Estimates and exact confidence limits for assay sensitivity and specificity.  
##              Estimate Lower 95% limit Lower 97.5% limit Upper 97.5% limit
## Sensitivity 0.5741627       0.5328859         0.5251792         0.6220889
## Specificity 0.7680000       0.7292953         0.7219182         0.8097934
## Estimates and asymptotic confidence limits for predictive values. The prevalence is assumed to be 0.03. 
##       Estimate Lower 95% limit Lower 97.5% limit Upper 97.5% limit
## NPV 0.98314039      0.98131911        0.98094879        0.98508370
## PPV 0.07109937      0.06069456        0.05887097        0.08563667
# Assuming prevalence=0.5
BDtest(xmat=Tab8, pr=0.5, conf.level = 0.95)
## Confidence intervals for binary diagnostic tests.
## Input data set with columns representing the true property of the compounds and rows representing the result of a binary diagnostic test. 
##               True positive True negative
## Test positive           240            87
## Test negative           178           288
## Estimates and exact confidence limits for assay sensitivity and specificity.  
##              Estimate Lower 95% limit Lower 97.5% limit Upper 97.5% limit
## Sensitivity 0.5741627       0.5328859         0.5251792         0.6220889
## Specificity 0.7680000       0.7292953         0.7219182         0.8097934
## Estimates and asymptotic confidence limits for predictive values. The prevalence is assumed to be 0.5. 
##      Estimate Lower 95% limit Lower 97.5% limit Upper 97.5% limit
## NPV 0.6433037       0.6189981         0.6142686         0.6713227
## PPV 0.7122169       0.6762984         0.6691552         0.7517531
# 2) Experimental design acc. to Steinberg et al.(2009)
TEST<- span="">nPV(se=c(0.76, 0.78, 0.80, 0.82, 0.84),
sp=c(0.93, 0.94, 0.95, 0.96, 0.97),
pr=0.0625, NPV0=0.98, PPV0=0.25, NPVpower = 0.8, PPVpower = 0.8,
rangeP = c(0.10, 0.9), nsteps = 20, alpha = 0.05)
## Warning in nPPV(propP = Pseq, se = ARGLIST$se[i], sp = ARGLIST$sp[i], prev
## = ARGLIST$prev[i], : Some sample sizes n (185) might be too small to expect
## validity of asymptotic formulas for anticipated sensitivity (se), and the
## corresponding proportion of positives (propP).
## Warning in nPPV(propP = Pseq, se = ARGLIST$se[i], sp = ARGLIST$sp[i], prev
## = ARGLIST$prev[i], : Some sample sizes n (137, 138) might be too small to
## expect validity of asymptotic formulas for anticipated sensitivity (se),
## and the corresponding proportion of positives (propP).
## Warning in nNPV(propP = Pseq, se = ARGLIST$se[i], sp = ARGLIST$sp[i], prev
## = ARGLIST$prev[i], : Some sample sizes n (403, 393, 393) might be too small
## to expect validity of asymptotic formulas for anticipated specificity (sp),
## and the corresponding proportion of negatives (1-propP).
## Warning in nPPV(propP = Pseq, se = ARGLIST$se[i], sp = ARGLIST$sp[i], prev
## = ARGLIST$prev[i], : Some sample sizes n (108, 110, 113) might be too small
## to expect validity of asymptotic formulas for anticipated sensitivity (se),
## and the corresponding proportion of positives (propP).
## Warning in nPPV(propP = Pseq, se = ARGLIST$se[i], sp = ARGLIST$sp[i], prev
## = ARGLIST$prev[i], : Some sample sizes n (108, 110, ..., 870) might be too
## small to expect validity of asymptotic formulas for anticipated specificity
## (sp), and the corresponding proportion of negatives (1-propP).
## Warning in nNPV(propP = Pseq, se = ARGLIST$se[i], sp = ARGLIST$sp[i], prev
## = ARGLIST$prev[i], : Some sample sizes n (280, 264, ..., 220) might be too
## small to expect validity of asymptotic formulas for anticipated specificity
## (sp), and the corresponding proportion of negatives (1-propP).
## Warning in nPPV(propP = Pseq, se = ARGLIST$se[i], sp = ARGLIST$sp[i], prev
## = ARGLIST$prev[i], : Some sample sizes n (90, 92, 96, 100) might be too
## small to expect validity of asymptotic formulas for anticipated sensitivity
## (se), and the corresponding proportion of positives (propP).
## Warning in nPPV(propP = Pseq, se = ARGLIST$se[i], sp = ARGLIST$sp[i], prev
## = ARGLIST$prev[i], : Some sample sizes n (90, 92, ..., 747) might be too
## small to expect validity of asymptotic formulas for anticipated specificity
## (sp), and the corresponding proportion of negatives (1-propP).
## Warning in nNPV(propP = Pseq, se = ARGLIST$se[i], sp = ARGLIST$sp[i], prev
## = ARGLIST$prev[i], : Some sample sizes n (228, 211, ..., 141) might be too
## small to expect validity of asymptotic formulas for anticipated specificity
## (sp), and the corresponding proportion of negatives (1-propP).
## Warning in nPPV(propP = Pseq, se = ARGLIST$se[i], sp = ARGLIST$sp[i], prev
## = ARGLIST$prev[i], : Some sample sizes n (79, 82, ..., 99) might be too
## small to expect validity of asymptotic formulas for anticipated sensitivity
## (se), and the corresponding proportion of positives (propP).
## Warning in nPPV(propP = Pseq, se = ARGLIST$se[i], sp = ARGLIST$sp[i], prev
## = ARGLIST$prev[i], : Some sample sizes n (79, 82, ..., 674) might be too
## small to expect validity of asymptotic formulas for anticipated specificity
## (sp), and the corresponding proportion of negatives (1-propP).
## Warning in nNPV(propP = Pseq, se = ARGLIST$se[i], sp = ARGLIST$sp[i], prev
## = ARGLIST$prev[i], : Some sample sizes n (242, 216, ..., 100) might be too
## small to expect validity of asymptotic formulas for anticipated specificity
## (sp), and the corresponding proportion of negatives (1-propP).
## Asymptotic experimental design for predictive values:
## 5 setting(s) generated from given input parameters:
##  Sensitivity (se), specifity (sp), prevalence (prev),
##  thresholds of negative and positive predictive values (NPV0, PPV0), 
##  intended power for rejecting H0: NPV<=NPV0; H0: PPV<=PPV0 (power),
##  true values of NPV and PPV resulting from given sp, se, prev.
##             se   sp   prev NPV0 PPV0 NPVpower PPVpower   trueNPV   truePPV
## Setting 1 0.76 0.93 0.0625 0.98 0.25      0.8      0.8 0.9830867 0.4198895
## Setting 2 0.78 0.94 0.0625 0.98 0.25      0.8      0.8 0.9846369 0.4642857
## Setting 3 0.80 0.95 0.0625 0.98 0.25      0.8      0.8 0.9861592 0.5161290
## Setting 4 0.82 0.96 0.0625 0.98 0.25      0.8      0.8 0.9876543 0.5774648
## Setting 5 0.84 0.97 0.0625 0.98 0.25      0.8      0.8 0.9891230 0.6511628
## Proportion of true positives (propP) and sample sizes (n.) for the
##  5 sets for NPV and PPV:
##        propP n.NPV.Setting.1 n.NPV.Setting.2 n.NPV.Setting.3
## 1  0.1000000            6731            3048            1768
## 2  0.1421053            4743            2147            1245
## 3  0.1842105            3664            1658             961
## 4  0.2263158            2987            1351             783
## 5  0.2684211            2523            1141             661
## 6  0.3105263            2185             988             572
## 7  0.3526316            1929             871             504
## 8  0.3947368            1727             780             451
## 9  0.4368421            1566             706             409
## 10 0.4789474            1433             646             373
## 11 0.5210526            1322             596             344
## 12 0.5631579            1229             553             319
## 13 0.6052632            1150             517             298
## 14 0.6473684            1083             486             280
## 15 0.6894737            1026             459             264
## 16 0.7315789             978             437             250
## 17 0.7736842             939             418             239
## 18 0.8157895             910             403             229
## 19 0.8578947             895             393             223
## 20 0.9000000             906             393             220
##    n.NPV.Setting.4 n.NPV.Setting.5 n.PPV.Setting.1 n.PPV.Setting.2
## 1             1174             850             185             137
## 2              827             598             183             138
## 3              638             462             186             141
## 4              520             376             191             146
## 5              439             317             199             153
## 6              379             275             209             161
## 7              335             242             221             170
## 8              299             216             234             181
## 9              271             196             251             193
## 10             247             179             269             208
## 11             228             164             292             226
## 12             211             152             319             247
## 13             197             142             352             272
## 14             185             133             393             304
## 15             174             125             445             345
## 16             165             118             514             398
## 17             157             112             608             472
## 18             150             107             746             579
## 19             145             103             966             749
## 20             141             100            1370            1064
##    n.PPV.Setting.3 n.PPV.Setting.4 n.PPV.Setting.5
## 1              108              90              79
## 2              110              92              82
## 3              113              96              85
## 4              118             100              89
## 5              123             105              94
## 6              130             111              99
## 7              138             118             106
## 8              147             125             113
## 9              157             134             121
## 10             170             145             131
## 11             184             157             142
## 12             201             172             155
## 13             222             190             172
## 14             248             213             192
## 15             282             242             218
## 16             326             279             252
## 17             386             331             299
## 18             473             406             367
## 19             613             526             475
## 20             870             747             674
plotnPV(TEST, log="y", legpar=list(x=0.6))
# 3) Simulation of power and coverage probability
simPVmat(se=0.8, sp=0.95, pr=0.0625, n1=c(177, 181),
n0=c(554, 87), NPV0=0.98, PPV0=c(0.4, 0.25))
##            se   sp     pr NPV0 PPV0  n1  n0   n
## Setting 1 0.8 0.95 0.0625 0.98 0.40 177 554 731
## Setting 2 0.8 0.95 0.0625 0.98 0.25 181  87 268
## $NPV
##             pow   cov       q10       q20       q50        tr   H0
## Setting 1 0.848 0.968 0.9794789 0.9804584 0.9823678 0.9861592 0.98
## Setting 2 0.856 0.960 0.9795472 0.9805747 0.9824941 0.9861592 0.98
## $PPV
##             pow  cov       q10       q20       q50       tr   H0
## Setting 1 0.842 0.97 0.3910851 0.4064937 0.4354261 0.516129 0.40
## Setting 2 0.962 1.00 0.2683916 0.2888690 0.3385292 0.516129 0.25
## $NSIM
## [1] 500
## $conf.level
## [1] 0.95 Coerce results of “nPV” to a data.frame.

Coerce the possibly long sample size tables resulting from calling “nPV” to a data.frame.

BDtest: Computing confidence intervals for sensitivity, specificity and predictive values assuming a case-control study

This function computes confidence intervals for negative and positive predictive values. Confidence intervals for sensitivity, specificity are computed for completeness. All methods assume that data are obtained by binomial sampling, with the number of true positives and true negatives in the study fixed by design. The methods to compute negative and positive predictive values (NPV, PPV) assume that prevalence is a known quantity, based on external knowledge.
# Reproduce the standard logit interval results in
# Table IX, Mercaldo et al.(2007)
# 1) Example data: Mercaldo et al.(2007), Table VIII:
Tab8<- span="">matrix(c(240, 178, 87, 288), ncol=2)
colnames(Tab8)<- span="">c("Case","Control")
rownames(Tab8)<- span="">c("ApoEe4plus","ApoEe4minus")
##             Case Control
## ApoEe4plus   240      87
## ApoEe4minus  178     288
# Assuming prevalence=0.03
BDtest(xmat=Tab8, pr=0.03, conf.level = 0.95)
## Confidence intervals for binary diagnostic tests.
## Input data set with columns representing the true property of the compounds and rows representing the result of a binary diagnostic test. 
##               True positive True negative
## Test positive           240            87
## Test negative           178           288
## Estimates and exact confidence limits for assay sensitivity and specificity.  
##              Estimate Lower 95% limit Lower 97.5% limit Upper 97.5% limit
## Sensitivity 0.5741627       0.5328859         0.5251792         0.6220889
## Specificity 0.7680000       0.7292953         0.7219182         0.8097934
## Estimates and asymptotic confidence limits for predictive values. The prevalence is assumed to be 0.03. 
##       Estimate Lower 95% limit Lower 97.5% limit Upper 97.5% limit
## NPV 0.98314039      0.98131911        0.98094879        0.98508370
## PPV 0.07109937      0.06069456        0.05887097        0.08563667
# Assuming prevalence=0.5
BDtest(xmat=Tab8, pr=0.5, conf.level = 0.95)
## Confidence intervals for binary diagnostic tests.
## Input data set with columns representing the true property of the compounds and rows representing the result of a binary diagnostic test. 
##               True positive True negative
## Test positive           240            87
## Test negative           178           288
## Estimates and exact confidence limits for assay sensitivity and specificity.  
##              Estimate Lower 95% limit Lower 97.5% limit Upper 97.5% limit
## Sensitivity 0.5741627       0.5328859         0.5251792         0.6220889
## Specificity 0.7680000       0.7292953         0.7219182         0.8097934
## Estimates and asymptotic confidence limits for predictive values. The prevalence is assumed to be 0.5. 
##      Estimate Lower 95% limit Lower 97.5% limit Upper 97.5% limit
## NPV 0.6433037       0.6189981         0.6142686         0.6713227
## PPV 0.7122169       0.6762984         0.6691552         0.7517531

CInpvppv: Asymptotic confidence intervals for negative and positive predictive values.

Computes asymptotic confidence intervals for negative and positive predictive values under the assumption of binomial sampling and known prevalence, according to Mercaldo et al. (2007). The standard logit intervals and and adjusted version are available, where the standard logit intervals are recommended.
CIlnpv(x0=c(87,288), x1=c(240,178), p=0.03,
conf.level = 0.95, alternative = "two.sided")
## $
##     lower     upper 
## 0.9809488 0.9850837 
## $estimate
## [1] 0.9831404
CIlppv(x0=c(87,288), x1=c(240,178), p=0.03,
conf.level = 0.95, alternative = "two.sided")
## $
##      lower      upper 
## 0.05887097 0.08563667 
## $estimate
## [1] 0.07109937
CIlnpvak(x0=c(87,288), x1=c(240,178), p=0.03,
conf.level = 0.95, alternative = "two.sided")
## $
##     lower     upper 
## 0.9808626 0.9850003 
## $estimate
## [1] 0.9830552
CIlppvak(x0=c(87,288), x1=c(240,178), p=0.03,
conf.level = 0.95, alternative = "two.sided")
## $
##      lower      upper 
## 0.05828659 0.08446570 
## $estimate
## [1] 0.07025717

CIpvBayes: Confidence intervals for negative and positive predictive values in a case-control setting by simulation from the posterior distribution.

Computes confidence intervals for negative and positive predictive values by simulation from the posterior beta-distribution (Stamey and Holt, 2010), assuming a case-control design to estimate sensitivity and specificity, while prevalence estimates of an external study and/or prior knowledge concerning prevalence may be introduced additionally.
# example data: Stamey and Holt, Table 8 (page 108)
# Diseased
# Test D=1 D=0
# T=1 240 87
# T=0 178 288
#n1,n0: 418 375
# reproduce the results for the Bayes I method
# in Stamey and Holt (2010), Table 9, page 108
# assuming known prevalence 0.03
# ppv 0.0591, 0.0860
# npv 0.9810, 0.9850
CIpvBI( x1=c(240,178), x0=c(87,288), pr=0.03)
## $
##          lower      upper
## NPV 0.98089278 0.98509790
## PPV 0.05864672 0.08556177
## $estimate
##        NPV        PPV 
## 0.98309588 0.07065651 
## $postmed
##        NPV        PPV 
## 0.98310564 0.07068499 
## $tab
##               True positive True negative
## Test positive           240            87
## Test negative           178           288
## Total                   418           375
## $prior
##          pr.sens pr.1-spec
## a:shape1       1         1
## b:shape2       1         1
# assuming known prevalence 0.04
# ppv 0.0779, 0.1111
# npv 0.9745, 0.9800
CIpvBI( x1=c(240,178), x0=c(87,288), pr=0.04)
## $
##          lower     upper
## NPV 0.97459900 0.9799923
## PPV 0.07844254 0.1122433
## $estimate
##       NPV       PPV 
## 0.9773593 0.0929106 
## $postmed
##        NPV        PPV 
## 0.97735441 0.09321523 
## $tab
##               True positive True negative
## Test positive           240            87
## Test negative           178           288
## Total                   418           375
## $prior
##          pr.sens pr.1-spec
## a:shape1       1         1
## b:shape2       1         1
# compare with standard logit intervals
tab <- span=""> cbind( x1=c(240,178), x0=c(87,288))
##       x1  x0
## [1,] 240  87
## [2,] 178 288
BDtest(tab, pr=0.03)
## Confidence intervals for binary diagnostic tests.
## Input data set with columns representing the true property of the compounds and rows representing the result of a binary diagnostic test. 
##               True positive True negative
## Test positive           240            87
## Test negative           178           288
## Estimates and exact confidence limits for assay sensitivity and specificity.  
##              Estimate Lower 95% limit Lower 97.5% limit Upper 97.5% limit
## Sensitivity 0.5741627       0.5328859         0.5251792         0.6220889
## Specificity 0.7680000       0.7292953         0.7219182         0.8097934
## Estimates and asymptotic confidence limits for predictive values. The prevalence is assumed to be 0.03. 
##       Estimate Lower 95% limit Lower 97.5% limit Upper 97.5% limit
## NPV 0.98314039      0.98131911        0.98094879        0.98508370
## PPV 0.07109937      0.06069456        0.05887097        0.08563667
BDtest(tab, pr=0.04)
## Confidence intervals for binary diagnostic tests.
## Input data set with columns representing the true property of the compounds and rows representing the result of a binary diagnostic test. 
##               True positive True negative
## Test positive           240            87
## Test negative           178           288
## Estimates and exact confidence limits for assay sensitivity and specificity.  
##              Estimate Lower 95% limit Lower 97.5% limit Upper 97.5% limit
## Sensitivity 0.5741627       0.5328859         0.5251792         0.6220889
## Specificity 0.7680000       0.7292953         0.7219182         0.8097934
## Estimates and asymptotic confidence limits for predictive values. The prevalence is assumed to be 0.04. 
##       Estimate Lower 95% limit Lower 97.5% limit Upper 97.5% limit
## NPV 0.97741855      0.97499488        0.97450245         0.9800080
## PPV 0.09347891      0.08008139        0.07772351         0.1120401
# reproduce the results for the Bayes II method
# in Stamey and Holt (2010), Table 9, page 108
CIpvBII( x1=c(240,178), x0=c(87,288), shapespr=c(16,486))
## $
##          lower     upper
## NPV 0.97212403 0.9898445
## PPV 0.04253945 0.1174023
## $estimate
##        NPV        PPV 
## 0.98202563 0.07487081 
## $postmed
##        NPV        PPV 
## 0.98242657 0.07381749 
## $tab
##               True positive True negative
## Test positive           240            87
## Test negative           178           288
## Total                   418           375
## $prior
##          pr.sens pr.1-spec
## a:shape1       1         1
## b:shape2       1         1
## $
## obs.pos obs.neg 
##       0       0 
## $prev.prior
## a:shape1 b:shape2 
##       16      486
CIpvBII( x1=c(240,178), x0=c(87,288), shapespr=c(21,481))
## $
##          lower     upper
## NPV 0.96460212 0.9855704
## PPV 0.05962714 0.1442427
## $estimate
##        NPV        PPV 
## 0.97630232 0.09692271 
## $postmed
##        NPV        PPV 
## 0.97664717 0.09603418 
## $tab
##               True positive True negative
## Test positive           240            87
## Test negative           178           288
## Total                   418           375
## $prior
##          pr.sens pr.1-spec
## a:shape1       1         1
## b:shape2       1         1
## $
## obs.pos obs.neg 
##       0       0 
## $prev.prior
## a:shape1 b:shape2 
##       21      481

nNPVPPV: Asymptotic experimental design for inference on negative and positive predictive values in case-control studies.

For internal use. Functions to compute sample size (to reach a pre-specified power) and optimal allocation of true positives and true negatives in case-control designs for binary diagnostic tests (Mercaldo et al. 2007)
nPPV(propP=c(0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8), se=0.9, sp=0.9,
prev=0.1, PPV0=0.4, conf.level=0.95, power=0.8)
## $n
## [1]  444  575  854 1698
## $se
## [1] 0.9
## $sp
## [1] 0.9
## $prev
## [1] 0.1
## $PPV0
## [1] 0.4
## [1] 0.5
## $propP
## [1] 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
## $power
## [1] 0.8
## $conf.level
## [1] 0.95
nNPV(propP=c(0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8), se=0.9, sp=0.9,
prev=0.1, NPV0=0.95, conf.level=0.95, power=0.8)
## Warning in nNPV(propP = c(0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8), se = 0.9, sp = 0.9, prev =
## 0.1, : Some sample sizes n (133, 67, 45, 35) might be too small to expect
## validity of asymptotic formulas for anticipated sensitivity (se), and the
## corresponding proportion of positives (propP).
## Warning in nNPV(propP = c(0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8), se = 0.9, sp = 0.9, prev
## = 0.1, : Some sample sizes n (67, 45, 35) might be too small to expect
## validity of asymptotic formulas for anticipated specificity (sp), and the
## corresponding proportion of negatives (1-propP).
## $n
## [1] 133  67  45  35
## $se
## [1] 0.9
## $sp
## [1] 0.9
## $prev
## [1] 0.1
## $NPV0
## [1] 0.95
## [1] 0.9878049
## $propP
## [1] 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
## $power
## [1] 0.8
## $conf.level
## [1] 0.95
AOppvnpv(se=0.9, sp=0.9)
## Pppv Pnpv 
##  0.1  0.9

nPV: Asymptotic sample size calculation for inference on negative and positive predictive values in case-control designs.

Functions to compute sample size (to reach a pre-specified power) and optimal allocation of true positives and true negatives in case-control designs (Steinberg et al., 2008) for binary diagnostic tests (Mercaldo et al. 2007).
#Reproducing illustration in Section 3.4 and 4.2 of
#Steinberg et al. (2009)
FIG1<- span="">nPV(se=0.8, sp=0.95, prev=1/16, NPV0=0.98, PPV0=0.4,
NPVpower = 0.8, PPVpower = 0.8,
rangeP = c(0.01, 0.99), nsteps = 100, alpha = 0.05)
## Warning in nPPV(propP = Pseq, se = ARGLIST$se[i], sp = ARGLIST$sp[i], prev
## = ARGLIST$prev[i], : Some sample sizes n (1237, 895, 783) might be too
## small to expect validity of asymptotic formulas for anticipated sensitivity
## (se), and the corresponding proportion of positives (propP).
## Warning in nNPV(propP = Pseq, se = ARGLIST$se[i], sp = ARGLIST$sp[i], prev
## = ARGLIST$prev[i], : Some sample sizes n (277, 273, ..., 411) might be too
## small to expect validity of asymptotic formulas for anticipated specificity
## (sp), and the corresponding proportion of negatives (1-propP).
## Asymptotic experimental design for predictive values:
## 1 setting(s) generated from given input parameters:
##  Sensitivity (se), specifity (sp), prevalence (prev),
##  thresholds of negative and positive predictive values (NPV0, PPV0), 
##  intended power for rejecting H0: NPV<=NPV0; H0: PPV<=PPV0 (power),
##  true values of NPV and PPV resulting from given sp, se, prev.
##            se   sp   prev NPV0 PPV0 NPVpower PPVpower   trueNPV  truePPV
## Setting 1 0.8 0.95 0.0625 0.98  0.4      0.8      0.8 0.9861592 0.516129
## Proportion of true positives (propP) and sample sizes (n.) for the
##  1 sets for NPV and PPV:
##          propP n.NPV.Setting.1 n.PPV.Setting.1
## 1   0.01000000           17648            1237
## 2   0.01989899            8870             895
## 3   0.02979798            5924             783
## 4   0.03969697            4448             731
## 5   0.04959596            3561             701
## 6   0.05949495            2969             684
## 7   0.06939394            2546             673
## 8   0.07929293            2228             666
## 9   0.08919192            1981             663
## 10  0.09909091            1784             661
## 11  0.10898990            1622             662
## 12  0.11888889            1487             663
## 13  0.12878788            1373             665
## 14  0.13868687            1275             668
## 15  0.14858586            1191             672
## 16  0.15848485            1117             677
## 17  0.16838384            1051             681
## 18  0.17828283             993             687
## 19  0.18818182             941             693
## 20  0.19808081             894             699
## 21  0.20797980             852             706
## 22  0.21787879             813             713
## 23  0.22777778             778             720
## 24  0.23767677             746             727
## 25  0.24757576             716             735
## 26  0.25747475             689             744
## 27  0.26737374             664             753
## 28  0.27727273             640             762
## 29  0.28717172             618             771
## 30  0.29707071             598             781
## 31  0.30696970             579             791
## 32  0.31686869             561             801
## 33  0.32676768             544             812
## 34  0.33666667             528             823
## 35  0.34656566             513             834
## 36  0.35646465             499             846
## 37  0.36636364             486             859
## 38  0.37626263             473             872
## 39  0.38616162             461             885
## 40  0.39606061             450             899
## 41  0.40595960             439             913
## 42  0.41585859             429             928
## 43  0.42575758             419             943
## 44  0.43565657             410             959
## 45  0.44555556             401             975
## 46  0.45545455             392             992
## 47  0.46535354             384            1010
## 48  0.47525253             376            1029
## 49  0.48515152             369            1048
## 50  0.49505051             362            1068
## 51  0.50494949             355            1089
## 52  0.51484848             348            1110
## 53  0.52474747             342            1133
## 54  0.53464646             336            1156
## 55  0.54454545             330            1181
## 56  0.55444444             324            1207
## 57  0.56434343             318            1234
## 58  0.57424242             313            1262
## 59  0.58414141             308            1291
## 60  0.59404040             303            1322
## 61  0.60393939             299            1355
## 62  0.61383838             294            1389
## 63  0.62373737             290            1425
## 64  0.63363636             285            1463
## 65  0.64353535             281            1503
## 66  0.65343434             277            1546
## 67  0.66333333             273            1591
## 68  0.67323232             270            1638
## 69  0.68313131             266            1689
## 70  0.69303030             263            1743
## 71  0.70292929             259            1800
## 72  0.71282828             256            1862
## 73  0.72272727             253            1928
## 74  0.73262626             250            1999
## 75  0.74252525             247            2075
## 76  0.75242424             244            2158
## 77  0.76232323             242            2247
## 78  0.77222222             239            2344
## 79  0.78212121             237            2450
## 80  0.79202020             234            2566
## 81  0.80191919             232            2694
## 82  0.81181818             230            2835
## 83  0.82171717             228            2992
## 84  0.83161616             226            3167
## 85  0.84151515             225            3364
## 86  0.85141414             223            3588
## 87  0.86131313             222            3843
## 88  0.87121212             221            4138
## 89  0.88111111             220            4481
## 90  0.89101010             220            4887
## 91  0.90090909             220            5375
## 92  0.91080808             220            5970
## 93  0.92070707             221            6714
## 94  0.93060606             224            7671
## 95  0.94050505             227            8946
## 96  0.95040404             233           10730
## 97  0.96030303             243           13403
## 98  0.97020202             260           17853
## 99  0.98010101             297           26731
## 100 0.99000000             411           53184
DFIG1<- span="">

plot(x=DFIG1$propP, y=DFIG1[,2], ylim=c(0,2000), lty=1, type="l",
ylab="total sample size", xlab="proportion of true positives")
lines(x=DFIG1$propP, y=DFIG1[,3], lty=2 )

plotnPV: Plot experimental design for different setting in a single figure.

The function creates a plot from the results of the function nPV.
TEST<- span="">nPV(se=c(0.9, 0.92, 0.94, 0.96, 0.98), sp=c(0.98, 0.96, 0.94, 0.92, 0.90),
pr=0.12, NPV0=0.98, PPV0=0.4, NPVpower = 0.8, PPVpower = 0.8,
rangeP = c(0.05, 0.95), nsteps = 100, alpha = 0.05)
## Warning in nPPV(propP = Pseq, se = ARGLIST$se[i], sp = ARGLIST$sp[i], prev
## = ARGLIST$prev[i], : Some sample sizes n (68, 68, ..., 111) might be too
## small to expect validity of asymptotic formulas for anticipated sensitivity
## (se), and the corresponding proportion of positives (propP).
## Warning in nPPV(propP = Pseq, se = ARGLIST$se[i], sp = ARGLIST$sp[i], prev
## = ARGLIST$prev[i], : Some sample sizes n (68, 68, ..., 1230) might be too
## small to expect validity of asymptotic formulas for anticipated specificity
## (sp), and the corresponding proportion of negatives (1-propP).
## Warning in nNPV(propP = Pseq, se = ARGLIST$se[i], sp = ARGLIST$sp[i], prev
## = ARGLIST$prev[i], : Some sample sizes n (630, 621, ..., 417) might be too
## small to expect validity of asymptotic formulas for anticipated specificity
## (sp), and the corresponding proportion of negatives (1-propP).
## Warning in nPPV(propP = Pseq, se = ARGLIST$se[i], sp = ARGLIST$sp[i], prev
## = ARGLIST$prev[i], : Some sample sizes n (70, 70, ..., 124) might be too
## small to expect validity of asymptotic formulas for anticipated sensitivity
## (se), and the corresponding proportion of positives (propP).
## Warning in nPPV(propP = Pseq, se = ARGLIST$se[i], sp = ARGLIST$sp[i], prev
## = ARGLIST$prev[i], : Some sample sizes n (70, 70, ..., 1238) might be too
## small to expect validity of asymptotic formulas for anticipated specificity
## (sp), and the corresponding proportion of negatives (1-propP).
## Warning in nNPV(propP = Pseq, se = ARGLIST$se[i], sp = ARGLIST$sp[i], prev
## = ARGLIST$prev[i], : Some sample sizes n (331, 326, ..., 234) might be too
## small to expect validity of asymptotic formulas for anticipated specificity
## (sp), and the corresponding proportion of negatives (1-propP).
## Warning in nPPV(propP = Pseq, se = ARGLIST$se[i], sp = ARGLIST$sp[i], prev
## = ARGLIST$prev[i], : Some sample sizes n (81, 81, ..., 154) might be too
## small to expect validity of asymptotic formulas for anticipated sensitivity
## (se), and the corresponding proportion of positives (propP).
## Warning in nPPV(propP = Pseq, se = ARGLIST$se[i], sp = ARGLIST$sp[i], prev
## = ARGLIST$prev[i], : Some sample sizes n (81, 81, ..., 1429) might be too
## small to expect validity of asymptotic formulas for anticipated specificity
## (sp), and the corresponding proportion of negatives (1-propP).
## Warning in nNPV(propP = Pseq, se = ARGLIST$se[i], sp = ARGLIST$sp[i], prev
## = ARGLIST$prev[i], : Some sample sizes n (216, 213, ..., 152) might be too
## small to expect validity of asymptotic formulas for anticipated specificity
## (sp), and the corresponding proportion of negatives (1-propP).
## Warning in nPPV(propP = Pseq, se = ARGLIST$se[i], sp = ARGLIST$sp[i], prev
## = ARGLIST$prev[i], : Some sample sizes n (100, 100, ..., 210) might be too
## small to expect validity of asymptotic formulas for anticipated sensitivity
## (se), and the corresponding proportion of positives (propP).
## Warning in nNPV(propP = Pseq, se = ARGLIST$se[i], sp = ARGLIST$sp[i],
## prev = ARGLIST$prev[i], : Some sample sizes n (1943, 1644, ..., 110) might
## be too small to expect validity of asymptotic formulas for anticipated
## sensitivity (se), and the corresponding proportion of positives (propP).
## Warning in nNPV(propP = Pseq, se = ARGLIST$se[i], sp = ARGLIST$sp[i], prev
## = ARGLIST$prev[i], : Some sample sizes n (160, 157, ..., 110) might be too
## small to expect validity of asymptotic formulas for anticipated specificity
## (sp), and the corresponding proportion of negatives (1-propP).
## Warning in nPPV(propP = Pseq, se = ARGLIST$se[i], sp = ARGLIST$sp[i], prev
## = ARGLIST$prev[i], : Some sample sizes n (127, 127, ..., 357) might be too
## small to expect validity of asymptotic formulas for anticipated sensitivity
## (se), and the corresponding proportion of positives (propP).
## Warning in nNPV(propP = Pseq, se = ARGLIST$se[i], sp = ARGLIST$sp[i], prev
## = ARGLIST$prev[i], : Some sample sizes n (1666, 1410, ..., 92) might be too
## small to expect validity of asymptotic formulas for anticipated sensitivity
## (se), and the corresponding proportion of positives (propP).
## Warning in nNPV(propP = Pseq, se = ARGLIST$se[i], sp = ARGLIST$sp[i], prev
## = ARGLIST$prev[i], : Some sample sizes n (133, 131, ..., 92) might be too
## small to expect validity of asymptotic formulas for anticipated specificity
## (sp), and the corresponding proportion of negatives (1-propP).
# plot parameters maybe introduced via ...
# the legend maybe modified via legpar:

plotnPV(TEST, log="y", legpar=list(x=0.6))
# own colour definitions
plotnPV(TEST, NPVpar=list(col=1:6, lwd=2, lty=1),
PPVpar=list(col=1:6, lwd=2, lty=3))

plotnPV2 Plot experimental design for different settings in a set of sub figure.

The function creates a plot from the results of the function nPV.
TEST<- span="">nPV(se=c(0.9, 0.92, 0.94, 0.96, 0.98), sp=c(0.98, 0.96, 0.94, 0.92, 0.90),
pr=0.12, NPV0=0.98, PPV0=0.4, NPVpower = 0.8, PPVpower = 0.8,
rangeP = c(0.05, 0.95), nsteps = 20, alpha = 0.05)
## Warning in nPPV(propP = Pseq, se = ARGLIST$se[i], sp = ARGLIST$sp[i], prev
## = ARGLIST$prev[i], : Some sample sizes n (68, 70, ..., 108) might be too
## small to expect validity of asymptotic formulas for anticipated sensitivity
## (se), and the corresponding proportion of positives (propP).
## Warning in nPPV(propP = Pseq, se = ARGLIST$se[i], sp = ARGLIST$sp[i], prev
## = ARGLIST$prev[i], : Some sample sizes n (68, 70, ..., 1230) might be too
## small to expect validity of asymptotic formulas for anticipated specificity
## (sp), and the corresponding proportion of negatives (1-propP).
## Warning in nNPV(propP = Pseq, se = ARGLIST$se[i], sp = ARGLIST$sp[i], prev
## = ARGLIST$prev[i], : Some sample sizes n (616, 573, ..., 417) might be too
## small to expect validity of asymptotic formulas for anticipated specificity
## (sp), and the corresponding proportion of negatives (1-propP).
## Warning in nPPV(propP = Pseq, se = ARGLIST$se[i], sp = ARGLIST$sp[i], prev
## = ARGLIST$prev[i], : Some sample sizes n (70, 71, ..., 119) might be too
## small to expect validity of asymptotic formulas for anticipated sensitivity
## (se), and the corresponding proportion of positives (propP).
## Warning in nPPV(propP = Pseq, se = ARGLIST$se[i], sp = ARGLIST$sp[i], prev
## = ARGLIST$prev[i], : Some sample sizes n (70, 71, ..., 1238) might be too
## small to expect validity of asymptotic formulas for anticipated specificity
## (sp), and the corresponding proportion of negatives (1-propP).
## Warning in nNPV(propP = Pseq, se = ARGLIST$se[i], sp = ARGLIST$sp[i], prev
## = ARGLIST$prev[i], : Some sample sizes n (314, 294, ..., 234) might be too
## small to expect validity of asymptotic formulas for anticipated specificity
## (sp), and the corresponding proportion of negatives (1-propP).
## Warning in nPPV(propP = Pseq, se = ARGLIST$se[i], sp = ARGLIST$sp[i], prev
## = ARGLIST$prev[i], : Some sample sizes n (81, 83, ..., 151) might be too
## small to expect validity of asymptotic formulas for anticipated sensitivity
## (se), and the corresponding proportion of positives (propP).
## Warning in nPPV(propP = Pseq, se = ARGLIST$se[i], sp = ARGLIST$sp[i], prev
## = ARGLIST$prev[i], : Some sample sizes n (81, 83, ..., 1429) might be too
## small to expect validity of asymptotic formulas for anticipated specificity
## (sp), and the corresponding proportion of negatives (1-propP).
## Warning in nNPV(propP = Pseq, se = ARGLIST$se[i], sp = ARGLIST$sp[i], prev
## = ARGLIST$prev[i], : Some sample sizes n (218, 202, ..., 152) might be too
## small to expect validity of asymptotic formulas for anticipated specificity
## (sp), and the corresponding proportion of negatives (1-propP).
## Warning in nPPV(propP = Pseq, se = ARGLIST$se[i], sp = ARGLIST$sp[i], prev
## = ARGLIST$prev[i], : Some sample sizes n (100, 101, ..., 207) might be too
## small to expect validity of asymptotic formulas for anticipated sensitivity
## (se), and the corresponding proportion of positives (propP).
## Warning in nNPV(propP = Pseq, se = ARGLIST$se[i], sp = ARGLIST$sp[i], prev
## = ARGLIST$prev[i], : Some sample sizes n (1943, 998, ..., 110) might be too
## small to expect validity of asymptotic formulas for anticipated sensitivity
## (se), and the corresponding proportion of positives (propP).
## Warning in nNPV(propP = Pseq, se = ARGLIST$se[i], sp = ARGLIST$sp[i], prev
## = ARGLIST$prev[i], : Some sample sizes n (158, 147, ..., 110) might be too
## small to expect validity of asymptotic formulas for anticipated specificity
## (sp), and the corresponding proportion of negatives (1-propP).
## Warning in nPPV(propP = Pseq, se = ARGLIST$se[i], sp = ARGLIST$sp[i], prev
## = ARGLIST$prev[i], : Some sample sizes n (127, 131, ..., 345) might be too
## small to expect validity of asymptotic formulas for anticipated sensitivity
## (se), and the corresponding proportion of positives (propP).
## Warning in nNPV(propP = Pseq, se = ARGLIST$se[i], sp = ARGLIST$sp[i], prev
## = ARGLIST$prev[i], : Some sample sizes n (1666, 856, ..., 92) might be too
## small to expect validity of asymptotic formulas for anticipated sensitivity
## (se), and the corresponding proportion of positives (propP).
## Warning in nNPV(propP = Pseq, se = ARGLIST$se[i], sp = ARGLIST$sp[i], prev
## = ARGLIST$prev[i], : Some sample sizes n (126, 118, ..., 92) might be too
## small to expect validity of asymptotic formulas for anticipated specificity
## (sp), and the corresponding proportion of negatives (1-propP).
plotnPV2(TEST, log="x")
## $log
## [1] "x"
## $main
## [1] "Setting 1"
## $xlab
## [1] "Ratio n1/(n0+n1)"
## $ylab
## [1] "Sample size"
## $type
## [1] "l"
## $lty
## [1] 1
## $xlim
## [1] 0.05 0.95
## $log
## [1] "x"
## $main
## [1] "Setting 2"
## $xlab
## [1] "Ratio n1/(n0+n1)"
## $ylab
## [1] "Sample size"
## $type
## [1] "l"
## $lty
## [1] 1
## $xlim
## [1] 0.05 0.95
## $log
## [1] "x"
## $main
## [1] "Setting 3"
## $xlab
## [1] "Ratio n1/(n0+n1)"
## $ylab
## [1] "Sample size"
## $type
## [1] "l"
## $lty
## [1] 1
## $xlim
## [1] 0.05 0.95
## $log
## [1] "x"
## $main
## [1] "Setting 4"
## $xlab
## [1] "Ratio n1/(n0+n1)"
## $ylab
## [1] "Sample size"
## $type
## [1] "l"
## $lty
## [1] 1
## $xlim
## [1] 0.05 0.95
## $log
## [1] "x"
## $main
## [1] "Setting 5"
## $xlab
## [1] "Ratio n1/(n0+n1)"
## $ylab
## [1] "Sample size"
## $type
## [1] "l"
## $lty
## [1] 1
## $xlim
## [1] 0.05 0.95

print.BDtest Detailed print out for BDtest

Print details of the results of the function BDtest on the screen

print.nPV Detailed print out for nPV

Print details of the results of the experimental design function nPV on the screen

simPV Simulate performance of confidence intervals for predictive values in a case-control desig

The function draws data under the binomial assumption and computes the asymptotic confidence bounds (lower bounds only!) for the positive and negative predictive values. Output are the power (probability to exclude NPV0/PPV0), the realized coverage probability, 0.1,0.2, and 0.5-quantiles of the realized distribution of confidence bounds.
simPV(se=0.8, sp=0.95, pr=1/16, n1=177, n0=554, NPV0=0.98, PPV0=0.4)
##       pow   cov       q10       q20       q50        tr   H0
## NPV 0.856 0.956 0.9794224 0.9805417 0.9822282 0.9861592 0.98
## PPV 0.852 0.968 0.3913573 0.4089670 0.4378463 0.5161290 0.40
simPV(se=0.8, sp=0.95, pr=1/16, n1=181, n0=87, NPV0=0.98, PPV0=0.25)
##       pow   cov       q10       q20       q50        tr   H0
## NPV 0.852 0.958 0.9795654 0.9805747 0.9824941 0.9861592 0.98
## PPV 0.960 1.000 0.2684284 0.2862879 0.3377352 0.5161290 0.25

simPVmat Simulate performance of confidence intervals for predictive values in case-control design

Simulate the power (probability to exclude NPV0/PPV0), the coverage probability, and 0.1, 0.2, and 0.5-quantiles of the distribution of (lower!) asymptotic confidence bounds for predictive values. Different experimental setups may be compared. The function draws data under the binomial assumption and computes the asymptotic confidence bounds (lower bounds only!) for the positive and negative predictive values.
simPVmat(se=0.8, sp=0.95, pr=1/16,
n1=c(177, 181), n0=c(554, 87), NPV0=0.98, PPV0=c(0.4, 0.25))
##            se   sp     pr NPV0 PPV0  n1  n0   n
## Setting 1 0.8 0.95 0.0625 0.98 0.40 177 554 731
## Setting 2 0.8 0.95 0.0625 0.98 0.25 181  87 268
## $NPV
##             pow   cov       q10       q20       q50        tr   H0
## Setting 1 0.840 0.952 0.9794406 0.9803505 0.9823181 0.9861592 0.98
## Setting 2 0.826 0.976 0.9794241 0.9803117 0.9820892 0.9861592 0.98
## $PPV
##             pow   cov       q10       q20       q50       tr   H0
## Setting 1 0.864 0.966 0.3916883 0.4071447 0.4355451 0.516129 0.40
## Setting 2 0.940 1.000 0.2630227 0.2833974 0.3369411 0.516129 0.25
## $NSIM
## [1] 500
## $conf.level
## [1] 0.95
simPVmat(se=0.8, sp=0.95, pr=c(0.05,0.0625, 0.075, 0.1),
n1=177, n0=554, NPV0=0.98, PPV0=0.4)
##            se   sp     pr NPV0 PPV0  n1  n0   n
## Setting 1 0.8 0.95 0.0500 0.98  0.4 177 554 731
## Setting 2 0.8 0.95 0.0625 0.98  0.4 177 554 731
## Setting 3 0.8 0.95 0.0750 0.98  0.4 177 554 731
## Setting 4 0.8 0.95 0.1000 0.98  0.4 177 554 731
## $NPV
##             pow   cov       q10       q20       q50        tr   H0
## Setting 1 0.998 0.950 0.9838239 0.9846683 0.9859038 0.9890411 0.98
## Setting 2 0.860 0.952 0.9794615 0.9806360 0.9823924 0.9861592 0.98
## Setting 3 0.324 0.950 0.9751982 0.9764411 0.9786665 0.9832168 0.98
## Setting 4 0.014 0.950 0.9663185 0.9683536 0.9712814 0.9771429 0.98
## $PPV
##             pow   cov       q10       q20       q50        tr  H0
## Setting 1 0.328 0.958 0.3384829 0.3509495 0.3800455 0.4571429 0.4
## Setting 2 0.858 0.942 0.3928242 0.4119664 0.4411623 0.5161290 0.4
## Setting 3 0.996 0.956 0.4410514 0.4550254 0.4879797 0.5647059 0.4
## Setting 4 1.000 0.968 0.5205950 0.5401113 0.5681677 0.6400000 0.4
## $NSIM
## [1] 500
## $conf.level
## [1] 0.95

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